Indian actor Shruthi Haasan was spotted after sharing some fun, light moment with child actor Sadhil on the famous children show ‘Captian Tiao’ of Disney Channel in Mumbai on July 4th. The programme is a celebrity chat show hosted by Captain Taio where viewers get to learn lesser known facts about the guest’s childhood days, their childhood fears, guilty secrets, favourite snacks, school time funs, etc. Shruti also shared light moments during her interaction with Sadhil a.k.a Captain Tiao.
Shruthi Haasan spotted after an interaction with Disney Channel Captain Tiao
After the show, Shruthi posed for the shutterbugs dressed in a pink maxi dress. Though the color suited her skin tone well and her svelte frame allowed her to wear such dangerously figure hugging outfits, Shruthi’s dress choice was a faux pas. The worst idea was to tuck her sunglasses right in the middle of her low neckline, thus giving an unappealing view of her inner garment. And no matter how easy or casual one’s look might be, wearing sandals to an event, unless it is beach themed, doesn’t look good at all. Here’s hoping to see better fashion days from this gorgeous Shruti Haasan.
Shruthi Haasan Cleavage revealing outfit
Shruthi Haasan in Pink Maxi Dress
Shruthi Haasan maxi dress 2015
Solaris Images